Matt Horne Crystalline Workshop - Dunedin, Florida
Posted by Matt Horne on
I was recently given the opportunity to host a Crystalline Glaze workshop at the Dunedin Fine Arts Center in Florida on 27th & 28th February 2016. There will be some video clips to follow soon on my Youtube channel, so watch this space!
With over 30 attendees, the workshop began on the Saturday with a glazing demonstration and I also showed how I attach my pedestals to the pots. The students had all brought bisque-ware ready to glaze, so following the demonstration we had a hands-on session of glazing using some of my glaze recipes that we had prepared for the workshop. We then loaded the kiln with the glazed pots, as we needed to leave enough time for the crystalline firing to complete to view the results on the Sunday - exciting!
After the glazing, we moved to the potter's wheel where I began demonstrating how I throw a number of different forms including a vase with thin pointed top, bowl and double-bellied vase.
The students got to try their hand at using some of the techniques I demonstrated on the wheel during the hands-on throwing session in the afternoon, while I offered individual tuition and feedback for those who needed it.
Sunday began with a demonstration of how I trim and turn my pots after they have been thrown, as well as some further throwing demonstrations - including how I make my pedestals and catch-trays, a challenging two-part joined vase and a large platter.
After lunch on Sunday it was time to open the kiln!
A variety of different clay bodies being used, plus the first time my glazes had been fired in this kiln had made it a nervous wait, so it was fantastic to see that many of the students pieces came out so well. Most pieces in the firing grew crystals and we had some really interesting results.
I then demonstrated how I remove the pedestals from my pieces, and the students then removed their own pedestals. For the remainder of the day the students spent time either grinding the bases of their pots or trimming their thrown pieces from the Saturday.